Meeting Agenda - June 2024

Purpose of the Meet

Accelerate IPv6 adoption in the corporate, academic, and government sectors of the Asia Pacific Region.

Date & Time

Friday, June 7, 2024, 1:30 PM - 6:00 PM


Intercontinental Hanoi Landmark72, 

Keangnam Hanoi Landmark Tower, Plot E6,

 Cau Giay New Urban, Me Tri Ward, Nam Tu Liem District,

Hanoi, Vietnam

Meeting Room Link: 

When: Jun 7, 2024 at 01:00 PM Vietnam

Please click the Zoom link below to join the webinar:

APAC IPv6 Council Meeting

Webinar ID: 999 5507 2187

Passcode: 070624

🕛1:15 PM

Registration/Sign-in of Participants

Duration: 15 min

🕛1:30 PM

Welcome Speech & Introduction to APAC IPv6 Council

Chairman, APAC IPv6 Council

Duration: 5 min

🕛1:35 PM

Welcome Speech

Director General, VNNIC

Duration: 10 min

🕛1:45 PM

Abstract: As we transition towards an IPv6 - only internet, fortifying our networks with advanced cybersecurity measures becomes imperative, ensuring a resilient and secure digital landscape for all. It is crucial to ensure that implementations and deployments adopt a secure strategy from the outset. New attack surfaces, lack of preparedness, complexity, scarce expertise, and rapid technological advancements are challenges to achieving secure IPv6-only networks.

Duration: 15 min + 5 min (Q & A)

Mr. Krishna Kumar Lahoti

Vice Chair, APAC IPv6 Council

Mr.Liu Shuai


🕛2:05 PM

Abstract: This presentation provides an overview of the 6ORS initiative and its importance in the context of the global IPv6 deployment. It discusses the need for more innovation to handle the increasing traffic on the Internet and highlights the purpose of Yeti Project, which aims to expand the number of root servers and promote technological innovation. The presentation also covers the development of IPv6 DNS architecture and the formation of a complete set of IPv6 DNS systematic solutions by global participants. It concludes with information about the Global IPv6 Testing and Certification Center and its role in promoting the application and deployment of IPv6. 

Duration: 15 min + 5 min (Q & A)

🕛2:25 PM

Abstract: There are a lot of reasons about the important of IPv6 for Internet development with great numbers of new high technology services, such as IoT, smart city, 5G, Cloud, etc. Vietnam promoted IPv6 deployment long time ago, from 2008. There are 02 national IPv6 deployment Plans: Viet Nam IPv6 Action Plan (2011 - 2019) and IPv6 For Gov Program (2021 - 2025). With promotion activities, by May 2024, the use of IPv6 for Viet Nam reached 60% with 72% FTTH, Mobile subscribers enabled IPv6. The target for 2025, toward 2030, 100% Internet users using IPv6 via Internet Broadband, IPv6-only for 5G, IoT. 

Duration: 15 min + 5 min (Q & A)

Ms. Nguyen Thi Oanh 

Deputy Director of Cooperation & Resources Management Division, VNNIC 

Dr. Navaneethan C. Arjuman

Chair, IPv6 & 5G Working Group, APAN

🕛2:45 PM

Abstract: IPv6 and 5G are going to completely change how we connect and communicate with one another as well as the environment. Compared to current networks, 5G networks will allow for higher capacities, lower latency, and quicker speeds. IPv6 will enable the rapid expansion of networks and linked devices, ensuring the security and dependability of 5G networks. IPv6 and 5G together create a wealth of opportunities for new services and applications. Virtual reality, augmented reality, and streaming video will all be made possible by 5G networks, while IPv6 will facilitate safe device connections and communication. This will lead to the development of brand-new services and apps that are safer, more dependable, and faster than before.

Duration: 15 min + 5 min (Q & A)

🕛3:05 PM

Abstract: The convergence of Blockchain technology and new Internet, IPv6 has a great potential for the creation of a universal public physical infrastructure which will be Open, Accessible, Secured, Accountable and Affordable. This presentation discusses the combined attributes of these two emerging technologies synergizing together like decentralization and Security, Decentralized DNS, Secure Data Transmission, Decentralized Applications (DApps), Global Identity Management, Data Ownership and Privacy, and Web 3.0.

The convergence will need to navigate through the regulatory and governance challenges, particularly regarding data sovereignty, jurisdiction, and legal frameworks for Decentralized applications, to move towards the ultimate goal of upgrading Digital Public Infrastructure ( DPI) to physical Public Good (PPG).

Duration: 15 min + 5 min (Q & A)

Dr. Satya N. Gupta

Secretary General - ITU-APT Foundation of India

🕛3:25 PM

Coffee Break & Networking

Duration: 15 min

Mr. Robin

Vice Chair, APAC IPv6 Council

🕛3:40 PM

Abstract: The speech introduces the latest progress of  the IPv6 Enhanced innovations and standards. The IPv6 Enhanced innovations includes SRv6/SRv6 Compression, Network Slicing, On-path Telemetry and Application-aware Networking. 

Duration: 15 min + 5 min (Q & A)

🕛4:00 PM

Abstract:  IPv6 deployment is approaching 40% globally, and advancing steadily. But, too many Internet enterprises and operators are still wasting time and money on IPv4 - on IPv4 infrastructure and IPv4 addresses - just to sustain services that cannot compete. Soon, a tipping point will arrive, and many companies - and countries - will be left behind. Let's avoid that chaos by moving forward together to an IPv6 Internet that will be stronger, faster, and much much bigger.

Duration: 15 min + 5 min (Q & A)

Mr. Paul Wilson

Director General, Asia Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC)

Dr. Tayeb Ben Meriem

IPv6 Enhanced Council Coordinator

🕛4:20 PM

Abstract: The Key drivers and scenarios for SRv6-based High-Speed Broadband Internet at 2030 Horizon are the following but not limited to1) Future Metaverse Applications, AI-Enabled and Immersive experience assurance-based at Home, Campus, Enterprise requiring 10Gbit/s Speed and Broadband, 2) 5G, 6G, AI and IPv6 will become the dominant technologies, 3) Enterprise Cloudification and Industry Digitalization with proliferation of Objects mainly in Manufacturing sector create new demand on IP Networks. Therefore, these scenarios will place new requirements on IP Transport Networks (Metro Domain, Backbone domain and Data Centre Network Domain) which require an upgrade to High-Speed Broadband up to 400/800GE. SRv6 offers the unique viable solution to cross smoothly and transparently this E2E High-Speed Broadband Internet Network. Along with the "IPv6-Only " enacted Regulations and Policies, the Enhanced Council recommends setting out National Broadband plans for both Urban and Rural Areas and also Legislation to prevent Digital Divide between developed Countries and Developing Courtiers on the Future SRv6- based High broadband Broadband Internet. IPv6 Enhanced Council established collaborations with the ITU-T Focus Group on Metaverse and with WBBA (World Broadband Association) on Broadband network development. 

Duration: 15 min + 5 min (Q & A)

🕛4.40 PM

Abstract: It's high time to kick off the planning of the ultimate transition to a single Internet protocol with IPv6 and sunsetting IPv4 especially NAT that has been used to fork the Internet from InterNET to InterNAT, reducing the Internet to a simple Server/Client similar to the Phone system of the 60's. The end-to-end model empowered by IPv6 will spark large-scale networks, as demonstrated by IPv6-based 4G and 5G in India, propelling it to the largest IPv6 nation in the world with over 430 Million v6 users.

 With the leadership of VNNIC, Vietnam has done a remarkable job of deploying IPv6 in an exemplary way that other nations could be inspired by its policies to speed up and realize their digital transformation.

Duration: 15 min + 5 min (Q & A)

Dr. Latif Ladid

Chair, Global IPv6 Forum

Mr. Carlos Ralli Ucendo 

Chair, Spain IPv6 Council

🕛5.00 PM

Abstract: Since IPv6 was delivered by IETF we have walked a long path. However, worldwide close to 50% of end users access the Internet over IPv6 and many leading countries are well over 50-50%. Enterprises are lagging behind as investments, transversal projects and trainings are needed. However, there are innovations that IPv6 is finally bringing (and they are not available on IPv4) that companies are starting to benefit from. In 15min we will visit enterprises requirements, gaps and potential innovations. 

Duration: 15 min + 5 min (Q & A)

🕛5:20 PM

Abstract: Most IPv6 Forum training has been aimed at network engineers (CNE6) and security engineers (CSE6). I created the first course aimed at software developers, CNP6 (Certified Network Programmer for IPv6). This covers creating new applications for Dual Stack (IPv4 + IPv6) and IPv6-only, using sockets. It covers both UDP and TCP-based designs, including dual-stack servers that can accept connections over both IPv4 and IPv6 in one application (using multi-threaded design and single-threaded using Select() API call.). It also covers how to migrate legacy IPv4-only applications to Dual Stack that will run on Dual Stack or IPv6-only networks. 

Duration: 10 min + 5 min (Q & A)

Mr. Lawrence Hughes

IPv6 & PKI Specialist, IPv6 Forum

🕛5:35 PM

APAC IPv6 Council General Meeting

Duration: 25 min

🕛6:00 PM

Meeting Adjourns